Assignment 9

This assignment is for you to learn to use CSS and make a web page by using CSS.

Go to this website.

Click CSS Introduction

The CSS Introduction is on the left column. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is CSS?
  2. Why is CSS important in website development?
  3. What can External Style Sheets do?
  4. Where are External Style Sheets stored?

Click CSS Syntax

The CSS Syntax is on the left column and answer the following questions.

  1. What is a selector?
  2. What does declaration consist of?
  3. What are CSS comments and why are they important?

Click How to

Answer the following the questions.
  1. What are the three ways to insert CSS?
  2. What is an external style sheet and in what situation should it be used?
  3. What is an internal Style sheet and when should it be used?
  4. Where are you going to define the internal styles?
  5. What is an inline style?

Click CSS Syntax

Click Example 1 and create a web page by using external CSS.

The style of the page should look like Example 1. When you finish it, link this page to your website and call it CSS.


      Create a html page named cssStyle.html in Dreamweaver. You know how to do that.
      Copy and paste all of the above answers to the page. On this page, you should use plain text without any background color.
      Then create a css page named cssStyle.css in Dreamweaver. See the following picture.


The CSS page will look like this.


Save the page as cssStyle.css in your folder as shown on the following picture.


Then type the following commands in the cssStyle.css page.


Then type <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css' href="cssStyle.css" /> in the place as shown below.


Type <h1> Go to this Website. Or something you need to type here. </h1> as shown below.

Type <h2> CSS Introduction. Or something you need to type here. </h2> as shown below.


Make sure to save both cssStyle.html and cssStyle.css in your folder. Link the cssStyle.html page to your website.