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Teacher: Yuhong Sun Lesson Title: Movie Clips in Flash
Subject and Grade: Web Animation 9-12 Standard(s): Level of proficiency.
The Plan

Goals and Objectives:

  1. Learn the basic concepts of movie clip, one of the three types of symbol in Flash
  2. Be able to create movie clips
  3. Be able to use movie clips in your movie

A symbol is a reusable object used/created in Flash. A symbol can be reused throughout a main movie or imported and used in another movie. Using flash symbols is very crucial to the file size of a Flash movie. The benefit of using symbols is that a symbol's size is counted only once even though it is used many times. Unused symbols are not counted in the size of a movie. This lesson focusses on Movie Clip, one of the three types in Flash symbol.

Instructional Strategies:

  1. Review the basic concepts of symbol, symbol types (graphics, buttons and movie clips)
  2. Examples of movie clip
  3. Demonstrate how to create an object with movie clip
  4. Instruction for creating a tree with animated leaves
  5. Hand-on Practice

Five minute review of the vocabulary and concepts of Flash symbols we learned in the last few blocks. Then introduce the new knowledge: movie clip. Explain the relationship between graphic symbol and movie clip, point out the importance of using symbols in Flash and relavance in real life. 5 minute demonstration and direct instruction. Stop to check students' understanding. After that, students will have a hands-on practice to strengthen the concept. The detailed instructions are posted on the website to help students with special needs.


  1. Vocabulary quiz in Quizlet
  2. Concepts quiz in Quizlet
  3. Assignments: create their own movie clips
  4. Fill in a self-evaluation form

Assignment #1 (C, B Level):  Open your House.fla. Create a tree with animated leaves. Drag the animated tree to your Neighborhood file.  10 points total.
Assignment #2 (A Level):  Create an object by using movie clip. One part of the object or animal should be animated. 10 points total.  
Assignment #3 (C Level): Take the quiz in Quizlet.

Students are required to fill out a self-evaluation form. The purpose is to help students assess the knowledge they know or they don’t know, and what they need to know. They would recognize their own strengths and weaknesses so that they could set goals that they could attain.


  1. Draw a tree with animated leaves.
  2. Individual work
  3. Help each other
Students watch the teacher demonstrate how to create a tree with animated leaves, follow the instructions and do a hands-one exercise. Students are required to watch, listen to, follow the instructions and then practice and help each other. After acquiring the skill, they are encouraged to create their movie clips, be creative and imaginative. Teacher is walking around checking students’ work and answering students’ questions.

Materials and Resources:

Flash Movie Clips Tutorial

Flash Symbols Tutorials
Flash Symbols Concepts
Controlling Individual Items (Movieclips) in a Flash Movie
Tutorial for Using Movle Clips in Flash
How to Play a Movie from the Maine TimeLine

The online resources are the supplementary materials to help students understand the concepts and help them use movieclips.

Students are learning to do troubleshooting by searching and locating information from many sources. They are also learning to learn not only from teachers but also from other resources.

The resources are at different levels. Students are encouraged to make good use of the online resources to do independent study and go above and beyond the standard level of proficiency.