Assignment 2: Drawing a House

Assignment:   (hw1) Using Drawing Tools from Flash, create a house consisting of lines, shapes and color. Draw a house from your observation or imagination. Be creative in your interpretation. Use at least 3 tools such as Line Tool, Oval Tool and Rectangle Tool , or 3 variations of one tool, thick and thin lines, curved and straight, circle, oval, triangle, etc.   Save this document as house1yh.fla, (Replace ys with your initials) and save it in your Document foler in your server2 account and email a copy to me with fla extention.

Your work will not be graded without submitting this form. Calculate the points from 1 to 5 and answer the questions from 6 to 8. Please be honest with yourself.

email the assignment House, the points and your answers.

Skills and Techniques used in your project
Good Advanced Distinguished

Work was titled correctly, saved with the appropriate file extension, emailed me on time with the file extension .fla.

0.5 0.75 1

Three or more tools, (or three variations of one tool) were used to create the house.


Straight, curved, thick and thin lines were achieved to appropriately represent the house.

0.5 0.75 1

Circle, triangle and rectangle shapes were achieved to appropriately represent the house.

0.5 0.75 1
Creative application of drawing tools and color, was achieved by using an original artistic style.
0.5 0.75 1
What was your biggest challenge in completing this assignment? What did you learn?
1 1.5 2
How did you get the ideas for this assignment? What was your inspiration?
1 1.5 2
Describe the points in the class that you may not have fully understood.
0.75 1 1
Total Points
7 8 10


House 1 by Hunter
House 2 by Hunter
House 3 by Jonathon House by Luisa