Noble High School Mission Statement

Noble High School, a community of learners, believes that we are all capable of success. Through a rigorous curriculum, we foster the academic and personal growth of life-long learners. We value small, heterogeneous communities, which encourage innovation and honor the voices of all.

A community of learners met through:
• Responsible community and global contributor

Rigorous curriculum exhibited through:
• Complex thinker
• Competent user of content
• Flexible worker

Foster the academic and personal growth of life-long learners
• Effective communicator
• Life-long learner
• Healthy perso

APCS Grading Rubric

Exceeds content or skill standards and serves as a model for others: 
Textwork: All questions answered correctly using complete sentences and containing a depth of thought and effort that goes well beyond expecations.
Coding: (all of the following criteria are evident)
  • Program shows efficient execution, is thoroughly commented
  • Program works for full range of possibilities
  • shows evidence that programmer understands concepts stressed in Java 
  • Product contains full range of test cases and examples.
Exceeds content or skill standards: 
Textwork: Most questions answered correctly using complete sentences and containing a depth of thought and effort that goes beyond expecations. OR All answers answered correctly using complete sentences with expected depth of thought and effort.
Coding: (3/4 of the following are evident)
  • Program shows efficient execution, is thoroughly commented
  • Program works for full range of possibilities
  • shows evidence that programmer understands concepts stressed in Java 
  • Product contains full range of test cases and examples.
Meets content or skills standards: 
Textwork: Most answers answered correctly using complete sentences. OR All questions answered correclty using complete sentences but with average thought or effort shown. 
Coding: Program meets all requirements at a minimal level.
Not Yet
Has not yet met content or skill standard:  Inadequate effort or too many incorrect responses. Please resubmit.
No Work Submitted

Work Habits Grading Rubric:
This assignment will be included in your work habits assessment that will be found on your progress report.  Use this description to see how your are doing throughout this semester:

Work Habits
Completes work on time
Homework expectations consistently met
Organized / comes to class prepared
Respects others property, ideas, and feelings
Works productively alone and with others
Listens attentively
Contributes positively to class
Seeks feedback from others about work


1- Excellent
2 - Satisfactory
3 - Poor