Updated: September 2, 2005

AP - Computer Science Chapter 2 pt 1 - BlueJ

Complete the following exercises. Send all answers to me via email . Use complete sentences and proper grammar/spelling in your answers. Where needed insert an image into your document. The subject of the email should be apcs BlueJ Introduction. Be sure to keep a copy in your FirstClass account.

Note: This assignment is modified from Todd O'Bryan and Mr. Motenko's work.

Concepts covered in this chapter:  fields,  methods (accessor, mutator), constructors, assignment and conditional statements, parameters, assignment (=), return statement, void, compound assignment operators (+=,-=), if statements, System.out.println.   

Read Chapter 2, pp. 17-28.

1. Do Exercise 2.1-2.5. Write the answers to the questions in 2.2, 2.3, and 2.5

2. Write Exercise 2.6 (yeah, I know it's basic). Try 2.7 and 2.8 and answer the questions that go with them.

3. Do Exercises 2.9 and 2.10, writing the answers.

4. What's another name for fields? Why do you think they are called that?

5. Do 2.11 and 2.12

6. Do 2.13-2.15.

7. What is the difference between formal and actual parameters? Describe what you think scope and lifetime mean.

8. Do 2.16-2.17 and write their answers.

9. Do 2.19-2.20 and answer their questions.


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