Animated Comic Story Rubric

Use Photoshop, Flash and Dreamwaver to create a comic story that contains minimum 6 panels. The story has a good beginning. There is a conflict. It is easy for the reader to understand the conflict the main character or characters has/have and why is a problem. The story is very well organized.

  Novice Proficient Advanced Distinguished
Beginning No attempt to catch the reader's attention in the first panel. First panel is confusing. First panel has a weak beginning. First panel has a catchy beginning.
Organization The comic seems to be randomly arranged. The comic is a little hard to follow. The transitions are sometimes not clear. The comic is pretty well organized. One panel may seem out of place. Clear transitions are used. The comic is very well organized. One panel follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions.
Conflict There is no conflict. It is a little hard to understand the conflict. It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the conflict. It is easy for the reader to understand the conflict.
Solution The solution to the conflict is hard to understand and it is not very logical. The solution to the conflict is hard to understand. The solution to the conflict is easy to understand and somewhat logical. The solution to the conflict is easy to understand and it is logical.
Dialogue There is not enough dialogue to bring the characters to life and it is not clear who is speaking. There is not enough dialogue to bring the characters to life and it is not very clear clear who is speaking. There is enough dialogue to bring the characters to life and it is not always clear who is speaking. There is enough dialogue to bring the characters to life and it is always clear who is speaking.
Grammar There are many spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. There are more than two spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. There are two spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.
Format - Flash
Background There is no background color. The background color is not always good and sometimes enhance the story. The background color is good and somewhat enhance the story. The background color is always good and enhance the story.
Drawing Too much hand drawing. The line is not very smooth. Use the drawing tools sometimes. The line is not very smooth. Make good use of drawing tools. The line is not always smooth. Make good use of the drawing tools. The line is always smooth.
Bubble Two bubbles and the shape of the bubbles is not good. Four bubbles and the shape of the bubbles is not good. Four bubbles and the shape of the bubbles is good. Six bubbles and the shape of the bubbles is good.
Bitmap Not use any pictures or graphics from the Internet. Use a lot of the pictures or graphics downloaded from the Internet. Not edit them at all. Make good use of the pictures or graphics downloaded from the Internet. Not edit them so well that they fit into the panels. Make good use of the pictures or graphics downloaded from the Internet. Edit them so well that they fit into the panels.
Effects More than two panels are not very appealing or presentable. Two panels are not very appealing or presentable. One panel is not very appealing or presentable. Every panel is appealing and presentable.
Color Color use is sometimes consistent Color use is usually consistent Consistent use of color

Consistent use of color

Effects At least 3 effects are used. Tota effects 4. e.g.motion tween, frame by frame, shape tween, mask layer, alpha, color mixer, movie clip, button, actionScript, graphic, etc. At least 4 effects are used. Total effects 6. e.g.motion tween, frame by frame, shape tween, mask layer, alpha, color mixer, movie clip, button, actionScript, graphic, etc. At least 5 effects are used. Total effects 8. e.g.motion tween, frame by frame, shape tween, mask layer, alpha, color mixer, movie clip, button, actionScript, graphic, etc. At least 6 effects are used. 10 effects are used. e.g.motion tween, frame by frame, shape tween, mask layer, alpha, color mixer, movie clip, button, actionScript, graphic, etc.
Sound 1 sound effects are not used 2 scenes contain sound effects 3 scenes contain sound effects 4 scenes contain sound effects
Scenes 2-3 6 7-8 9-10