Regions of China Project Grading Rubric

  No Credit Novice Proficient Advanced Distinguished
Content There are three pages. The content of each page is not complete. Your website shows your understanding of the target region through your description of its history, customs, food, education. There are four pages. The content of each page is not complete. Your website shows your understanding of the target region through your description of its history, customs, food, education. There are four pages. The content of each page is complete. Your website shows your understanding of the target region through your description of its history, customs, food, education. There are five pages. The content of each page is complete. Your website shows your fairly good understanding of the target region through your description of its history, customs, food, education. There are five pages. The content of each page is complete. Your website shows your understanding of the target region through your description of its history, customs, food, education.
Writing Difficult to understand; bad structure, spelling, and grammar; no punctuations Many spelling or grammar errors but consistent line of thought Easy to understand; perfect spelling; one or two grammar, syntax, or semantic problems Easy to understand; perfect spelling; No grammar, syntax, or semantic errors Easy to understand; perfect spelling; No grammar, syntax, or semantic errors; clear, concise outline
Expression A clear maine idea not supported by sufficient details A clear main idea supported by sufficient details A clear main idea supported by sufficient details Clear, concise, well-written main idea supported by sufficient details. Clear, concise, well-written main idea supported by rich, vivid, and powerful details
Format No HTML formatting tags; text is not broken into paragraphs Text is broken into paragraphs; headings are used; Headings; Title; styles; centering; horizontal lines; lists,etc. Headings; Title; styles; centering; horizontal lines; lists,etc.; good use of background color Headings; Title; styles; centering; horizontal lines; lists,etc.; at least two lists; color or background image; tables
Layout Layout has no structure or organization Text broken into paragraphs and sections Headings label sections and create hierarchy; some consistency Hierarchy closely follows meaning; headings and styles are consistent within pages; text, images, and links flow together Consistent format; extends the information page-to-page; easy to read; attention to different browsers and their quirks
Images Two or three images; not related to the content Four or five images; related to the content More than five images; related to the content; help understand the content More than five images; related to the content; help understand the content; enhance the web pages; More than five images; related to the content; help understand the content; enhance the web pages; well organized
Navigation Two Pages Two pages with title bar added, heading, etc. Three pages (or one page with links within page or to other resources); navigation between pages; links work Four or more pages with clear order, labeling, and navigation between pages; all links work Title page with other pages branching off, and at least five pages total; navigation path is clear and logical; all links work