Read Section 14.2 A Brief Introduction to HTML on Chapter 14 (posted on the First Class conferenc). Answer the following questions based on the reading material. Send the answers to me through First Class conference.

Create a Web page based on the requirement.


When creating a Web page, what language do you use to createa a file that can be read and processed by a Web browser?

What is Hypertext Markup Language (HML)?

What is the difference between regular text and hypertext?

Why is HTML called a markup language?

What are tags?

what is the first of the structure tags that you should learn?

Are tag names case-insensitive?

What is the <HEAD> tag?

What is the <TITLE> tag?

Practice <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> .

How can we display in boldface? Give example.

How can we display in italics? Give example.

What are the differences of the three HTML tags that are used to create breaks in a documents' text?

<BR>, <p> and <HR>

Now please create a Web page and save it as FirstHTML and link it to your website.

The content is your choice and should be positive. The formate should be the same as the following.

My Hometown

This is an H1 Header

My hometown is in Chongqing.

My hometown is beautiful.

My hometown has a large population.

My hometown is a political and commercial center.
My hometown is dear to me
I left my hometown ten years ago (regular unformatted text). 


There are two types of programs you can create with Java: applications and applets.

An application is a stand-alone program that runs on your computer.

Applets are Java programs that are usually part of a Web site. They are stored on a Web server along with the site's Web pages. When a remote user accesses a Web page with his or her browser, any applets associated with the Web page are transmitted over the Internet from the server to the remote user's system.