AP - Computer Science Chapter 1b - Fundamentals of Java

Complete the following exercises. Send all answers to me via FirstClass email . Use complete sentences and proper grammar/spelling in your answers. Where needed insert an image into your document. The subject of the email should be apcs Fundamentals Ch1b. Be sure to keep a copy in your FirstClass account.

Note: This assignment is modified from Todd O'Bryan and Mr. Motenko's work.

Read Chapter 1 Sections 1.5 - 1.6

  1. Do Ex. 1.5: answer questions 1 - 4
  2. Read "Computer Ethics..." pg 22; Using examples from the reading, write a  one paragraph opinion piece stating your views about the benefits  and drawbacks of copyright laws.
  3. Do Ex.  1.6:  answer questions 1 - 5
  4. Define:   object oriented  programming,  SDLC, waterfall model


Grading Rubric