Zach: As a student of Chinese class I think that it is very important to learn the Chinese language. It is important
because the Chinese language is the second most common language in the world today. I think that you should keep all of the projects we did this year. They all had a good meaning/purpose and they served the class well. These projects were important to learning Chinese language. They were important because it taught us some background information on the language and we were able to go on a field trip. I had a really good time this year and I want to thank you for being a wonderful teacher. Back to Top
Tyler: I am very glad that I took Chinese this year. I learned a lot about the language and the culture. This will be a key skill
to have because you never know when you may have to communicate in a different way. All of the projects we did throughout out the year were important. I really enjoyed the trip to the museum. It was fascinating to see an actual Chinese home & soak in all of the history. This is an experience I will never forget! The only regret I have in this class is that I wish we would have gone to China town. That would be a great and educational trip. You did a great job teaching us this year Sun Loashi. I am really going to miss you!Back to Top
Kathie: China has a huge influence on America in different kinds of ways. As our economy continues to change we are
evolving with China. Knowing the language will prove to be useful as China becomes more prominent in our daily life. Being able to speak Chinese will be in advantage for me especially because I am going to school for International business.
Next year the projects should stay the same because I think each of them added to the curriculum. The website made us focus and study one area of the Chinese culture. The Peabody museum gave us more insight about Chinese family and the household routines. The essay contest gave us a chance to be creative and win money! These projects were important because it was a good change from just learning from the textbook and made the class more fun and interesting!Back to Top
Caitlin: It is very important to learn the Chinese language. Many people speak it; it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also very important to learn because it can be very helpful in business.
I would like to continue to learn Chinese. It is very helpful to know and interesting to learn. I plan to minor in Chinese in college.
These projects are all important because they help students to learn about the Chinese culture as well as the language.Back to Top
Mendy: Learning Chinese has given me a beginner’s course on Asian culture. Before this class, I was mostly concerned with my own, and European cultures because those are the ones I’ve been exposed to most often. I enjoyed learning the Chinese language, as difficult and funny as it sounded coming out of my mouth. I’m able to impress people with my knowledge, and it makes me proud to be able to rattle off an entire conversation in Chinese, when so few people around me can. It is important for people to learn this language because there are one billion Chinese people in the world, and a large chunk of them speak English. It will allow me to get ahead in the business field, should I choose to take that route in college. By the way, I am attending Colby College in Waterville, Maine, where my major will be undecided.
I think that you should definitely visit the Peabody Essex Museum next year, but should make the essay optional. I liked the website on Chinese culture, but make sure next year people bring in food more often. That’s one thing I would have like to have more of in this class; Chinese food. The Museum and field trip altogether was a fun experience shared with me and my friends and it was a field trip I actually learned something on.Back to Top
Eric: All languages are important to learn and Chinese is a new up and coming empire. If you want to be successful you need to be able to communicate with others. I would have to continue Chinese. I know it will be useful in my future so I definitely will try courses in college or learn it on my own in the summer or on my free time. Chinese is such an important language to know because we do so much negotiating with them. I believe you need to know a person’s language then they will have more respect for you. So I will most definitely attempt to study Chinese after high school.
Projects help a student learn about the culture of a place; also it allows a kid to show his/her creative side. Back to Top
Ann: I think it's important to learn the Chinese language because the Chinese culture and economy is expanding all over the world. To work in any foreign relations, or if I travel it will be very important and helpful to know the language. Chinese is also so different than English and French that it was interesting and fun to learn. Next year I think you should definitely keep all of the projects. They were all fun and taught us a lot. The website taught us about culture; the museum showed us the way life might be at a home in China and the essay showed us the daily life and let us research specific time periods in Chinese history. I don't know if I will continue Chinese in my first year of college but it's a language I hope to expand on before I leave college. Thanks for everything this year. it was awesome and although I'm excited for college I'm sad to be leaving these people and this class!Back to Top
Pierome: I think it is important to learn the Chinese language because it is always good to learn a second language. In the future it could be very beneficial for us. Whether we want to learn more about the Chinese culture, or if we want to travel and discover China.
The projects I thought you should keep would be visiting the Peabody Chinese museum because it was a great experience to all of us. It also taught us a lot about the Chinese buildings and arts of the Chinese culture. The students get to look first hand at where you Ms. Sun came from and how it was to live in China. All in all this class was my favorite class. I enjoyed and cherished every moment I spent in this class. I thought you taught this great, and I hope to see you in the future.Back to Top
Sarah: I think it’s important to learn the Chinese language because Chinese is the most dominant language on earth. With the population in China growing as it does, learning the language grows much more important. I think everyone should have, at least, a basic knowledge of the language in order to survive adulthood.
I think creating the website and visiting the Peabody museum were excellent experiences. Next year’s class will have a lot of fun with them. They were important because they allowed us to view the culture in a more rounded way. We not only learned the language but the life of the people who learned to speak in from birth.Back to Top
Leah: I thought it was important to learn Chinese because it was different then learning Western Language. I took French before and enjoyed it but Chinese was totally different because they formed sentences differently, didn’t conjugate verbs, and used characters. In French I at least knew the rules to forming sentences. I thought it was important to learn the basics of this kind of language that was so foreign to me.
I think you should keep all of the assignments. Creating a website was a good introduction to Chinese and understanding the culture. The museum was a good experience because it gave us a hands-on learning experience. It opened my eyes to a different way of living and brought China to us. The essay was a good research opportunity, plus it gave me a hundred dollars.
The projects helped us learn about culture while regular class was about language.
I don’t know if I’ll continue Chinese, but I’m glad I took this class to broaden my knowledge of the world and its cultures and languages.Back to Top
Tabitha: I think learning the Chinese language is important because as business trade and jobs expands throughout the world. Languages like Chinese that are spoken by lots of people will be even more popular.
As for the projects next year I think that all of them should be kept, but the Peabody museum should be changed so that the groups actually see the Chinese exhibit, because our group didn’t get to it, but seeing the house was really cool.
I think these projects are important because you learn not only the language but you also get in touch with the culture of China and learn more about the country, which I believe helps make learning the language easier.
I hope to keep studying Chinese, or at least get good enough at the basics, so if I ever visit China I will not feel to be out of place.Back to Top
Sarah C
Sarah C: I think that it’s important to learn Chinese since China is quickly becoming a great country economically. It’s important that people start learning how to speak Chinese so that we can grow with China as partners.
The projects that I think we should keep are visiting the Peabody museum and doing the Chinese essays. I also think that you should go to China town next year. I actually think that you should probably do more projects next year If anything. They force you to really think about what you learned.Back to Top
Bethany: I believe that over the past decade it has become more useful to learn the Chinese language because of their economic success. They are now our competition of the future, and they have an advantage over us: they know both English and Chinese. If one wants to be competitive, it is only natural that learning the Chinese language is a smart decision.
I think the most influential project/unit we did in Chinese One this year was the visit to Peabody museum. It made the whole culture real, and I think visiting a place like this of heritage from the language you are studying would be a very useful thing to implicate in all foreign language classes. I think the essay we wrote should be kept for next year, the trip to the museum set us up to write this paper very nicely. I did not like creating a Chinese website because I felt it required too much background knowledge that neither I nor my partner had and thus it made things more difficult and I felt we had a disadvantage over some of the other students. I would say that keeping the general theme of this project is a good idea, maybe just modify the presentation style to a PowerPoint or something or that nature that all the students at this school are more familiar with.Back to Top
Sarah C
Bethany |