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  1. What is a copyright?
    • Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, architectural and certain other intellectual works.
  2. What kind of works are protected by the Copyright law?
    • links
    • original text
    • graphics
    • audio
    • video
    • html, vrml, other unique markup language sequences
    • List of Web sites compiled by an individual or organization
    • All other unique elements that make up the original nature of the material.
  3. What is plagiarism? and give an example.
    • Plagiarism is the the act of stealing and passing off the ideas, words, or other intellectual property produced by another as one's own. For example, using someone else's words in a research paper without citing the source, is an act of plagiarism.
    • Stealing Tyler’s work and claiming it as my own.
  4. Briefly describe the history of copyright.
    • 1976 copyright law followed international law, extending copyright for 50 years after death of the author/creator.
    • On October 27, 1998, President Clinton signed into law the "Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act," which extends the terms of almost all existing copyrights by 20 years, to provide copyrights in the United States the same protection afforded in Europe. The basic term of copyright protection, the life of the creator plus 50 years, has been increased to life plus 70 years. The term for "work for hire" has been extended from 75 to 95 years.
  5. How long does copyright last?
    • Works created on or after Jan 1978 - life of author + 70
    • Work for hire 95 years
  6. How does copyright law work?
    • "The Internet has been characterized as the largest threat to copyright since its inception. The Internet is awash in information, a lot of it with varying degrees of copyright protection. Copyrighted works on the Net include new s stories, software, novels, screenplays, graphics, pictures, Usenet messages and even email. In fact, the frightening reality is that almost everything on the Net is protected by copyright law. That can pose problems for the hapless surfer." ("The Copyright Web site" http://www.benedict.com/)
  7. What are the copyrighted works on the Internet?
    • The Internet and copyright
  8. What is protected on the Internet?
    • links
    • original text
    • graphics
    • audio
    • video
    • html, vrml, other unique markup language sequences
    • List of Web sites compiled by an individual or organization
    • All other unique elements that make up the original nature of the material.
  9. When you create a Web page, what should you do?
    • Link to other Web sites. [However, some individuals and organizations have specific requirements when you link to their Web material. Check a site carefully to find such restrictions. It is wise to ask permission. You need to cite source, as you are required to do in a research paper, when quoting or paraphrasing material from other sources. How much you quote is limited.]
    • Use free graphics on your Web page. If the graphics are not advertised as "free" they should not be copied without permission.
  10. When you create a Web page, what shouldn't you do?
    • Put the contents of another person's or organization's web site on your Web page
    • Copy and paste information together from various Internet sources to create "your own" document. [You CAN quote or paraphrase limited amounts, if you give credit to the original source and the location of the source. This same principle applies to print sources, of course.]
    • Incorporate other people's electronic material, such as e-mail, in your own document, without permission.
    • Forward someone's e-mail to another recipient without permission
    • Change the context of or edit someone else's digital correspondence in a way which changes the meaning
    • Copy and paste others' lists of resources on your own web page
    • Copy and paste logos, icons, and other graphics from other web sites to your web page (unless it is clearly advertised as "freeware." Shareware is not free). Some organizations are happy to let you use their logos, with permission - it is free advertising. But they want to know who is using it. They might not approve of all sites who want to use their logo.