Web Animation
Web A. Assignments
Web Publishing
Publishing Letter
Web P. Assignments
Cisco Networking
LAN Assignments
WAN Assignments
Intro Programming
Intro P. Assignments
AP Computer
AP. Assignments






















Web Publishing Assignments

In this semester, we are going to use a layered curriculum where three levels of complexity are expected: Layer C, Layer B and Layer A.

Layer C: This is where each model's vocabulary, basic knowledge and skills are acquired. You build on your current level of core information and skills.  In C Layer for this semester, there are 9 assignments and one medium project and one big project. The total points are 170. You need to accumulate minimum 150 points in order to move on to B Layer. All the assignments are posted on this web page. You will see all the assignments are marked with C, B, and A layer respectively.

B Layer: In this layer, you are expected to apply the skills you gained in the C layer. You need to earn 150 points from C Layer to move on to B Layer. You are supposed to have additional 40 points in order to get B or above. There are two projects and one assignment with medium difficulty level for you to complete. All the B Layer projects and assignments are posted on this web page and marked with B Layer.

A Layer: This is the highest level of logical thinking, problem solving, creativity and performance. You need to complete up to 40 points from B Layer. You need to get 40 points in A Layer in order to get into the A range.  Choose the programs marked with A Layer on this web page.